Post Construction Window Cleaning

Cleaning windows, builders cleans, can be tough after construction.

Picture this: You’ve just spent half a year building your dream home. The builder has handed you the key and you walk in for the final inspection. You open the front door and stroll through the hallway, you get a whiff of that new home smell. As you approach the back of the home you are excited to check out the homes most appealing feature, the back verandah facing out to an incredible view. But as you walk up to your expensive glass sliding doors all you can notice is paint overspray, silicone and builders residue. The only way you can tell that there has been an attempt to clean the windows is by the slight scratch marks you can see where the factory sticker once was.

Ok, maybe that sounds a little dramatic but unfortunately aspects of  this scenario can often be a reality. Hiring a professional window cleaner with a good reputation is key to ensuring that your post build or renovation window cleaning goes well. On our blog we have previously talked about the value of windows, and how they represent a tangible investment as a key feature in your home. This is even more true of a new or newly renovated home. By having a professional window cleaner do the initial clean of your windows you are protecting your investment.

With all of this in mind, here are some suggestions for protecting your windows during a build:

  • First, we would recommend having a frank discussion with your builder and relevant tradesman about your expectations of keeping the glass in good condition. 

  • Strongly encourage the builder to tape protective plastic to the windows once installed and have the individual trades reapply plastic as needed.

  • Throughout the build, but particularly when there is any sanding being done or saw dust in the air, you can periodically vacuum out tracks to protect them from being damaged or getting wet and turning to mud.

  • Be aware of any grinding being done close to window glass, as the metal shards burn into the glass and do permanent damage.

  • When the concreting is done on any outside areas of the home make sure that any glass is covered and protected, as often concrete can be splashed up onto the glass. If this is not removed properly it can scratch your glass.

  • If painters are using a spray gun, be mindful that paint overspray is very common, even with the most skilled and vigilant painters.

  • Don’t try to clean the glass without the correct tools or products. For example, using a regular steel wool vs a super fine steel wool to remove residue.

Navigating these pitfalls is crucial to keeping your windows in mint condition through a build or renovation. The Twenty20 team is passionate about delivering quality window cleaning services and this includes builders cleans are no exception. We use the correct tools and products to deal with post construction issues, ready for you to enjoy your glass when you move in. Check out some reviews and example photos to find out more.